About the Project

SR 299 is an east-west high-capacity roadway that runs through Middletown, connecting US 301 with Delaware SR 1/US 13. SR 299 is essential to the residents of Southern New Castle County. The population of Middletown has increased rapidly over the last 20 years, stressing the existing roadway network. As a result, upgrades are necessary to accommodate the increasing transportation demands.

SR 299 is also Main Street in Middletown. It’s an undivided two-lane roadway that is over capacity during peak hours. Additionally, future traffic models (year 2040) show an overwhelmed corridor using the current lane design and structure. The posted speed limits along SR 299 range from 25 mph to 50 mph.

Advanced Utility Relocations:

Ongoing - expected to be completed in August 2020 - October 2021

Construction Start:

June 2021

Construction Duration:

Anticipated 2021 - Spring 2024

Cars on SR299


The improvements will help Middletown and surrounding communities adapt to the continued growth and expansion. This project will provide additional vehicle capacity, which will help carry the increasing traffic volumes.

Improving bicycle, pedestrian, and public transit facilities will provide residents with multiple modes of safe transportation. Upgrading traffic control devices (traffic signals, signing, and pavement markings) and adding lighting at intersections will make the road safer for all users. Take a tour of the project.


  • Add center turn lane and bike lanes from Catherine Street to Cleaver Farms Road
  • Widen to two lanes in each direction with bike lanes and a median from Cleaver Farms Road to SR 1
  • Add 10 foot shared use path on south side and 5 foot sidewalk on north side
  • Add traffic signal at intersection of SR 299 and New Street
  • Install roundabout on Brick Mill Road at the entrances to Dove Run Shopping Center and ChristianaCare Emergency Department
  • Rebuild existing traffic signals, ITMS network, and drainage system
  • Add intersection lighting
  • Install stormwater management facilities
  • Pavement reconstruction and mill & overlay